Cardiff Euro Summit Demonstration - Saturday 13th June




The next Summit of European Union leaders will be held in Cardiff on the 15th and 16th of June. This conference will plan the next steps in European integration and moves towards a single currency.Despite all the fine words, the Europe we currently live in is one of high unemployment, low-pay and increasing insecurity. The demands of »labour flexibility« mean that even those people with jobs are suffering more stress and uncertainty about the future. Racism and intolerance are on the rise, as black people, immigrants and refugees are wrongly blamed for economic and social problems.

The two conferences held in 1997, in Amsterdam and Luxembourg, failed to address any of these problems. Indeed, they agreed policies which will only deepen existing problems - to create an European Union (EU) of big business and the rich - at the expense of working class people.

We, the undersigned, support a different kind of Europe. We call for an international demonstration at the Cardiff Summit, on Saturday 13th June, uniting all those who broadly support the points below:

European Marches


  • For a People's Europe - Defend the Welfare State! The convergence criteria for monetary union demand that all EU governments must cut public spending. This means closures and redundancies in our schools, hospitals and public services. A single currency must not be created at our expense!
  • For Full Employment - with Secure Jobs on Decent Wages! Labour flexibility is the buzz-word of the moment and supposedly the cure for all economic ills. In reality, it means an increase in low-paid, part-time work and permanent jobs being replaced by temporary contracts and unemployment. This leads to more stress and insecurity for those in work and does nothing to help the unemployed.
  • For National and Regional Equality Across Europe! Implementation of the Maastricht Treaty is leading to a concentration of wealth and power in the richer regions of the EU. Poorer regions and nations, like Wales, are being left behind. Existing levels of regional funds have failed to address the problem and yet, after 1999, EU regional funds will be cut dramatically.
  • For a Green Europe in a Green World! The countries of the EU, and beyond, share common rivers, seas and air. Pollution knows no frontiers. But the governments of Western Europe and North America have failed to act decisively to tackle the problems of CO2 emissions, industrial pollution and nuclear waste. Even though it is big business in these countries which does most of the damage.
  • Against Racism and Social Exclusion! Racism and intolerance are on the rise across Europe, as black people and other minorities are made scapegoats for the economic crisis. At the same time a new wall is being built around the EU, creating a Fortress Europe, to keep out immigrants and asylum seekers.
Please consider sponsoring the demonstration and organising to attend.

We are asking for donations of £ 25 from organisations, £ 5 from individuals (£ 2 unemployed).



Initial sponsors include:

Unemployed: National Combine of Unemployed Workers' Centres · Unemployed Action Group  ·   Euromarch Network · European Network of the Unemployed · Cardiff Unemployed Workers' Centre  ·   St Helens TUC Community Resource Centre · St Helens Unemployed Action Group · Salford TUC Centre for the Unemployed Trades Councils: Cardiff County · Merthyr · Merseyside County Association · Tyne & Wear County Association · St Helens · Wirral · Liverpool · Wolverhampton & Bilston · Waltham Forest · Lambeth · Lancashire Association · Greater London Association

Trade Unions: CPSA Benefits Agency Cardiff & District · NAPO South Wales · MSF Central London  ·  CWU Central London Engineering · Trade Unions Against Maastricht

Pensioners & Others: Merseyside Pensioners Liaison Committee · St Helens Pensioners Action Group · Beechwood Summerhill Community Trust Centre · Birmingham Community Conference

Political & Campaigns: Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg (Welsh Language Society) · Cardiff West Labour Party · Mid Rhondda Plaid Cymru · Welfare State Network · Campaign Group Network  ·  Communist Party of Britain · Socialist Party · Socialist Outlook · Greater London Against Maastricht · Socialist Alliance Network

Individuals: Darren Williams (Wales Labour Party Executive) · Peter Leverton (Wales TUC General Council) · Adam Price & Cllr. Alun Cox (Plaid Cymru National Executive) ·  Cllr. Leanne Wood (Plaid Cymru) · Kevin Halpin (Liaison Committee for the Defence of Trades Unions) - all in a personal capacity

further info








European Marches
